June 5 - World Environment Day

June 5 - World Environment Day

World Environment Day (WED) was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972. WED is hosted every year by a different city and commemorated with an international exposition through the week of June 5. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), also created in 1972, uses WED to stimulate awareness of the environment and enhance political attention and public action.

The theme for 2009 is climate change and the broader consequences of environmental change, and what societies can do in response. Combating climate change and preserving ecosystems services that underpin our economies is an issue for everyone. Every individual's efforts, no matter how small, can contribute to the sustainable development of our economies and communities around the world. On this day, individuals, non-governmental organizations, community and youth groups, business, industry and the media organize activities to renew their commitments to protect and develop the environment. They organize activities such as clean-up campaigns, tree planting, colourful street rallies, green concerts, essay and photo competitions in schools, and recycling efforts. (...)

Basic information:


UNEP Website:



United Nations Campaign:



Home” - The trailer and the film:





The "European Climate Teach-In Day":



 La Giornata dell'Ambiente in TV:



About the film "Changing climate - Changing times" ("2075: il clima che verrà"):





