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Qual'è la verità ?

Qual'è la verità ?

di Giorgio Nebbia

1. Siamo di fronte a mutamenti climatici dovuti al riscaldamento della Terra per effetto serra: le attività umane immettono nell'atmosfera anidride carbonica e altri gas che modificano la trasparenza dell'atmosfera alle radiazioni solari che raggiungono la superficie terrestre e alle radiazioni chela Terra stessa, un corpo "caldo" immerso negli spazi freddissimi interplanetari, irraggia verso l'esterno. La radiazione solare in entrata in media è maggiore di quella re-irraggiata dal pianeta verso l'esterno per cui i continenti e gli oceani stanno subendo un lento riscaldamento che comporta mutamenti nella circolazione delle acque oceaniche, fusione dei ghiacci e minaccia di aumento del livello dei mari. Lo dicono agenzie intergovernative, molti governi decidono di modificare le proprie politiche economiche e ambientali per arginare questo fenomeno.

Niente vero. Anzi le emissioni nell'atmosfera dell'anidride carbonica e dei "gas serra" nell'atmosfera non sono dovute alle attività umane ed è sbagliatissimo emanare leggi e intraprendere iniziative fiscali per limitare tali emissioni, tanto più che se aumenta il costo dei combustibili fossili e delle merci si compromettono i già fragili equilibri economici internazionali. Anzi forse è vero che aumenta la concentrazione dell'anidride carbonica nell'atmosfera e che ciò provoca mutamenti climatici, ma la soluzione va cercata nell'uso, al posto dei combustibili fossili, dell'energia nucleare che produce calore e elettricità senza emissione di anidride carbonica.

Anzi forse è vero che sono in atto dei mutamenti climatici, ma si tratta di fenomeni del tutto naturali, come dimostra la meteorologia storica; raffreddamenti e riscaldamenti della Terra si sono verificati nei millenni e nei secoli passati quando non c'erano carbone e petrolio che quindi non possono essere accusati di tali mutamenti. Anzi non c'è neanche un riscaldamento globale che fa fondere i ghiacciai perché rilevamenti accuratissimi mostrano che la superficie e il volume dei ghiacci polari sta aumentando e quindi, tranquilli, continuate ad usare petrolio e automobili sempre più potenti.

Anzi questa storia del riscaldamento globale è una pura invenzione del capitale internazionale per costringere i popoli poveri a limitare i loro consumi ed è quindi un'abile operazione di neoimperialismo a cui bisogna rispondere incoraggiando i consumi energetici.

Allora quale è verità? (…)

L'articolo completo:





Eighth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF8)

Eighth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF8)

(…) On Monday, 20 April, the Eighth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF8) convened at UN Headquarters in New York to discuss funding for sustainable forest management (SFM) and forests in a changing environment. In a morning plenary session, delegates heard opening statements and reports on progress toward SFM and enhanced cooperation. (...)

Daily Web Coverage:


UNFF8 Website:



Collaborative Partnership on Forests:





Regional Water Cooperation and Peacebuilding in the Middle East

Regional Water Cooperation and Peacebuilding in the Middle East

In the semi-arid to arid climatic conditions of the Middle East, water resources management is a contentious issue between parties sharing the same water resources. On the other hand, solving water problems has been identified as a topic of common interest to Israelis, Jordanians and Palestinians. The implementation of joint water-related projects is therefore seen as a hopeful sign and related projects have received substantial funding from the international donor community, especially the US and EU. This case study seeks to deepen the understanding of how the peacebuilding effects of regional water cooperation can best be harnessed, supported and sustained. It analyses two existing initiatives involving Jordanians, Israelis and Palestinians: the Good Water Neighbors project and the Regional Water Data Banks Project. The case analysis focusses on the design and implementation of cooperative processes, as both the form and content of cooperation are critical for peacebuilding. Building on the analysis of the two cases, as well as on broader knowledge on water cooperation, the report concludes with recommendations for funding agencies and third parties. This case study has been prepared by Adelphi Research within the framework of the EU-funded Initiative for Peacebuilding

The case study:


The website:



New Guide Aims to Improve Public Climate Literacy

New Guide Aims to Improve Public Climate Literacy

A guide is now available to help individuals of all ages understand how climate influences them -- and how they influence climate. A product of the U.S. Climate Change Science Program, it was compiled by an interagency group led by NOAA.
"The Essential Principles of Climate Science" presents important information for individuals and communities to understand Earth's climate, impacts of climate change, and approaches for adapting and mitigating change. Principles in the guide can serve as discussion starters or launching points for scientific inquiry. The guide can also serve educators who teach climate science as part of their science curricula.
“As climate policy is being discussed, it is very important for the citizens of our nation to have an appreciation for some of the fundamental aspects of climate and climate change,” said Tom Karl, director of NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, N.C., and lead for NOAA's climate services. “This guide is a first step for people who want to know more about the essential principles of our climate system, how to better discern scientifically credible information about climate, and how to identify problems related to understanding climate and climate change.”
“There is so much misinformation about climate. We want to provide an easily readable document to help everyone make the most informed decisions,” said Karl. “Having one product endorsed by the nation’s top federal science agencies, as well as leading science centers and associations, makes this document an essential resource.”
The 17-page guide includes information on how people can help reduce climate change and its impacts. It also defines important terms and concepts used when talking about climate and approaches to adaptation and mitigation.

NOAA, the National Science Teachers Association, and TERC, an educational non-profit organization, are working with education leaders to revise state standards using this framework. The materials also will provide the basis for educator resources and professional development.
Development of the guide began at a workshop sponsored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Multiple science agencies, non-governmental organizations, and numerous individuals also contributed through extensive review and comment periods. Discussion at the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NOAA-sponsored Atmospheric Sciences and Climate Literacy workshop contributed substantially to the refinement of the document.

High resolution report (11.5 Mb):


Low resolution report (2.4 Mb):




EU Conference “Biodiversity Protection-Beyond 2010” (Athens, 27-28 April 2009)

EU Conference “Biodiversity Protection-Beyond 2010” (Athens, 27-28 April 2009)

2010 will be the year of the full evaluation of the delivery to the EU Biodiversity Action Plan and as well the UN International Year for Biodiversity. This major Biodiversity conference, organized by the European Commission, is aiming to convene all the main actors engaged in the development and implementation of EU biodiversity policy together with international institutions and globally recognized experts, in order to start framing the post-2010 biodiversity strategy. The participation to the conference is based on invitation only. However, the European Commission will on-line web-stream parts of the Conference that are likely to be of major interest.

For information:


The Conference Programme:



La notizia:



