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Totale: 5 risultati.

Bahrain - Human Rights Lawyer Charged

DIRITTI UMANI Authorities have charged a prominent human rights lawyer with offenses that violate his right to free expression. (...) The article: https://www.hrw.org/news/2016/12/01/bahrain-human-rights-lawyer-charged ...

Bahrain - Last news

The international racing bodies responsible for scheduling Formula One events should take full account of continuing serious human rights violations when they consider rescheduling a 2011 race in Bahrain, ...

Morocco - Thousands March for Reform

...  Bahrain, and Yemen. (...) The article: http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/02/20/morocco-thousands-march-reform Sull'argomento: http://www.medarabnews.com/2011/03/14/riforme-in-marocco-un-attento-esame-del-discorso-del-r ...

Bahrain - La situazione

Nella capitale del Bahrain i manifestanti sciiti, ispirati dalle rivolte popolari che hanno rovesciato i governi in Tunisia ed Egitto, si sono radunati oggi in lutto per la morte di un secondo manifestante ...