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Home Agricoltura Thirty-third session of IFAD's Governing Council: What is the biggest leadership challenge of the 21st century?

Thirty-third session of IFAD's Governing Council: What is the biggest leadership challenge of the 21st century?


(...) Recent estimates indicate that, as a result of the global food and economic crises of the last two years, more than 100 million people joined the ranks of the hungry.

The number of people suffering from hunger and poverty now exceeds 1 billion, while 2 billion people live on less than US$2 a day. The contraction of food supplies experienced during 2007 and 2008 and the subsequent food price spikes threatened the availability and affordability of basic staples for millions of people in countries dependent on food imports. And riots in more than 40 countries provided a stark demonstration that food security is an integral part of overall security, both national and global.(...)

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