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Home Agricoltura Human Rights Day (10 December) - FAO Studies dealing with the Right to Food

Human Rights Day (10 December) - FAO Studies dealing with the Right to Food

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In the context of the Human Rights Day, FAO Right to Food Team is happy to share with you three studies dealing with access to justice and legal recognition of the right to food. These publications show that traditional arguments against justiciability are today outdated. Through different conceptual approaches, each publication reflects that access to justice is possible through various mechanisms (political, administrative, legal and social) and shows how it was realized in different countries. It is also argued that justiciability is a key dimension for the implementation and enforcement of laws, this way preserving their intrinsic value. Justiciability provides a safety valve against violations of human rights, including the right to food, whether they are caused by callousness, indifference, oversight or other reasons.

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