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Home Agricoltura United Nations - Global steps vital to preserve worldwide soil fertility and avoid famine

United Nations - Global steps vital to preserve worldwide soil fertility and avoid famine

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Pressures on the world’s limited amounts of soils available for agriculture together with land degradation are threatening global food security and imperiling long-tem efforts to avoid widespread famine, a senior United Nations official warned today.
“Soil is an essential component of the world’s production systems and ecosystems,” UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Director-General Jacques Diouf said, calling for a renewed international effort to assure sufficient fertile and healthy soils today and for future generations. “But it is also a fragile and non-renewable resource. It is very easily degraded and it is slow, difficult and expensive to regenerate,” he told the opening session of a three-day meeting in Rome to launch a new Global Soil Partnership for Food security and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation.
Competing land uses and extensive degradation are rapidly depleting the amounts of soils and water available for food production. In Africa alone 6.3 million hectares of degraded farmland have lost their fertility and water-holding capacity and need to be regenerated to meet the demand for food of a population set to more than double in the next 40 years, FAO stressed. In 1982 the agency adopted a World Soil Charter spelling out the basic principles and guidelines for sustainable soil management and soil protection to be followed by governments and international organizations.
“However, there have been long delays in applying the Charter in many countries and regions of the world. New efforts to implement it must be made as soon as possible,” Mr. Diouf said. (...)

The article:

From FAO website:

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