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Home Agricoltura "Ecology & Farming" - Training and education opportunities in organic farming around the world

"Ecology & Farming" - Training and education opportunities in organic farming around the world


Results in organic agriculture like high yields, low economic and environmental costs, high product quality and improved soil fertility can be good, but this is not always the case. Farmers, and others working in the organic industry, where ever they live, should always be focussed on how to improve their work. Farming, which involves producing food and maintaining soil fertility and the landscape, is a big responsibility for everybody involved.
Worldwide, people are moving to the city and away from agriculture. There are less people on the land to produce food for the rest of the population. These farmers have to produce more, and at a better quality, often for lower prices. Organic producers aim to farm in a way that it is sustainable, in balance with nature and results in produce that meets quality market criteria. The successful farmers are learning farmers. Through networks of learning groups, together with researchers and consultants, they try to gain more knowledge, improve their work and introduce innovations. The same is true for people involved in processing, marketing, certification, research and training. As in all other businesses, you have to improve your work, otherwise your business (or your farm) will not be sustainable in the long run. Organic farming is by definition farming in progress, it is a process of development. (...)

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