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2nd World Congress of Agroforestry

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2nd World Congress of Agroforestry

The World Agroforestry Centre and the United Nations Environment Programme co-host the 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry in Nairobi, Kenya from 23-28 August 2009. (…)

The 2nd World Congress of Agroforestry is a highlight event for 2009. Its overall theme is Agroforestry, the future of global land use. The sub-themes are Food Security and Livelihoods; Conservation and Rehabilitation of Natural Resources; and Policies and Institutions. Researchers, educators, practitioners and policy makers from around the world will share new research ideas and experiences, explore partnership opportunities and establish or strengthen communities of practice. (…)

Whether you're participating or not, follow the Congress on:  *@icraf on Twitter <> : tweets from Day 1 keynotes, short quotes and tidbits in real time from the sessions.  *The WCA 2009 blog <> : this is where you can get news, announcements, interviews and summary reports from the sessions. Keep an eye on it: subscribe to the RSS feed <> .  What else is there:  *WCA2009 pictures on Flickr <> :  *Shared bookmarks on <>   Sharing info about the Congress on the Web?   If you're planning to blog or share your notes, comments and pictures on the same media listed above, please use the Congress tag: WCA2009 (don't forget the hash for Twitter #WCA2009 and @icraf).

The Congress Welcome message:

The Congress website:



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