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Home Diritti Umani Trafficking in persons: one of the fastest growing criminal activities in the world

Trafficking in persons: one of the fastest growing criminal activities in the world

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“Trafficking in persons -one of the most appalling forms of human rights’ violations- remains one of the fastest growing criminal activities in the world, and the role of regional organizations fighting against it cannot be underestimated,” UN Special Rapporteur Joy Ngozi Ezeilo said on Wednesday, before presenting her annual report* on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, to the Human Rights Council.
The Special Rapporteur’s 2010 report focuses on the role and added-value of these cooperation mechanisms in the fight against trafficking. Ms Ezeilo shares a number of good practices that could positively be reproduced in other areas of the world. She also highlights the most pressing challenges that these organizations face, including the growing use of new information technologies by traffickers around the world. Noting that the majority of regional and sub-regional organizations still tend to focus almost exclusively on the criminalization of traffickers, the Special Rapporteur urged them to adopt a human rights and victim-centred perspective in the action: “In order to be effective, they should put the rights of the victim at the core of their strategies and actions. By doing so, they will succeed both in protecting victims and prosecuting traffickers.”

The Report:

* * *

Twenty-First-Century Slaves - Combating Global Sex Trafficking:

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