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Home Diritti Umani ICMM - Mining companies must collaborate with indigenous communities

ICMM - Mining companies must collaborate with indigenous communities

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Mining companies must engage constructively with indigenous communities, said ICMM's Aidan Davy at the second annual Mining, People and the Environment conference held in Toronto. He highlighted the importance of developing meaningful relationships at every stage of the decision making process. Companies should be sensitive to traditional decision making structures, but also ensure that they engage those sections of the community that are often excluded, including women and young people.
While acknowledging and respecting Indigenous Peoples’ rights and interests should primarily be seen as an ethical responsibility, there are also strong business reasons for companies to engage in this area.
“It is a complex and sensitive area, where mining companies have not always gotten it right,” he said. “And as we can see from recent cases, getting it wrong can profoundly affect share values and the reputation of the company.” (...)

ICMM's Good Practice Guide on Indigenous Peoples and Mining is now available in French and Spanish.

The article:

"Good Practice Guide - Indigenous Peoples and Mining":

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From "Business & Human Rights Resource Centre" website:

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