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Home Diritti Umani ILO - Global Report on Equality at Work 2011

ILO - Global Report on Equality at Work 2011

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Launching its Global Report on Equality at Work 2011, the International Labour Office (ILO) warns that in spite of continuous positive advances in anti-discrimination legislation, the global economic and social crisis has led to a higher risk of discrimination against certain groups of labour. Furthermore, the report finds that discrimination at the workplace has become more diverse, is largely based on multiple grounds, and is fed by weakened attention for anti-discrimination policies and workers’ rights in practice.
Entitled Equality at work: The continuing challenge, the report highlights that discrimination in the labour market continuous to be related to gender, nationality, age, race, ethnicity, religion, political opinion, sexual orientation, disability, lifestyle, HIV/AIDS or migrant status. For example, the report explains that women are still discriminated upon for pregnancy and maternity reasons. Moreover, women continue to earn less than men. On average, the report finds that women receive only 70-90 per cent of men’s wages. The report further shows that sexual harassment remains a significant problem experienced by both men and women, although to different extents. Persons with disabilities continue to experience very low employment rates; and mandatory testing can negatively impact work opportunities for people with HIV/AIDS. For migrant workers, the report notes: “migrant workers face widespread discrimination in access to employment, and many encounter discrimination when employed, including access to social insurance programmes.” (...)

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