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Home Diritti Umani Millennium Development Goals Report 2011

Millennium Development Goals Report 2011

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On 7 June 2011, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon launched the Millennium Development Goals Report 2011, which – while highlighting progress made in advancing the MDGs – draws attention to numerous challenges that remain as the 2015 deadline draws near. These challenges include empowering women and girls; promoting sustainable development; and protecting the most vulnerable from the devastating effects of multiple crises – whether conflicts, natural disasters or volatility in prices for food and energy.
In a keynote address to the Economic and Social Council’s High-level segment held in Geneva from 4-8 July, Mr. Ban said the 2011 MDG Report painted a mixed picture: on the one hand, it was clear that the Goals had made a tremendous difference; at the same time, progress had been uneven. “The poorest of the poor are being left behind. We need to reach out and lift them into our lifeboat. Now is the time for equity, inclusion, sustainability and women’s empowerment,” he urged.
The MDG Report 2011 [1] suggests that many of the development successes – reducing extreme poverty, hunger, illiteracy and disease – are driven by continued economic growth in some developing countries, including China and India, as well as targeted efforts in critical MDG areas, such as health. “Achieving the goals will require equitable and inclusive economic growth – growth that reaches everyone and that will enable all people, especially the poor and marginalized, to benefit from economic opportunities,” Mr. Ban said. (...)

The article:

The Report:

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UN Development Dialogue - Setting the stage for a post-MDG agenda:

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