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Home Diritti Umani United Nations - 19th session of the Human Rights Council opens in Geneva

United Nations - 19th session of the Human Rights Council opens in Geneva

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(...) During the 19th session, Member States will discuss more than 80 reports, including those prepared by independent human rights experts appointed by the Council. These reports address an exhaustive list of human rights issues, including the right to development, adequate housing, and food, as well as social and cultural rights, children’s rights, the situation of human rights defenders, and the issue juvenile justice. The human rights situation in several countries, such as Iran, Myanmar, Côte d’Ivoire, Libya and Syria, will also figure high on the Council’s agenda.
Moreover, the Council will feature eight additional high-level panel discussions that will look at issues such as human rights mainstreaming within international cooperation and in UN activities; the freedom of expression on the Internet; discriminatory practices in connection with sexual orientation and gender identity; and the rights of various groups in society, such as children; persons with disabilities; minorities, and people living with HIV/AIDS. (...)

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