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Home Diritti Umani United Nations - Domestic workers will see their basic labour rights protected one year from now

United Nations - Domestic workers will see their basic labour rights protected one year from now


With the ratification of ILO Convention 189 on “Decent Work for Domestic Workers” by the Philippines,

approximately 100 million domestic workers across the globe will see their basic labour rights extended and protected one year from now – when the Convention enters into force. (...)
ILO Convention 189 constitutes an international commitment to improve the living and working conditions of domestic workers. For example, it demands reasonable working hours for domestic workers, including a weekly rest of at least 24 consecutive hours; better rights in terms of remuneration; clear information on terms and conditions of employment; occupational safety and health; social security; and respect for fundamental principles and rights at work, including freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. It also recognizes that domestic work actually takes place at “home” and, as such, tries to strike a better balance between their labour rights and the right to privacy of household members.
Domestic work is defined as work performed in or for a household or households, and includes cleaning, cooking, washing, taking care of children, elderly or sick members of a family, and gardening. A domestic worker is “any person engaged in domestic work within an employment relationship.”
The Convention’s adoption in June 2011 was seen as a historical moment in the history of international labour rights, as it lays down basic labour rights and principles for a large group of workers that historically has been denied such rights. As more than 90% of today’s domestic work force comprises women and girls, it is expected that the Convention’s entering into force will have a tremendous impact on gender equality. (...)

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