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United Nations Day 2012

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On the occasion of United Nations Day, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today called on individuals and the international community to reaffirm their commitment to building a better world, while also highlighting the importance of cooperation in these efforts.
“We are living through a period of profound turmoil, transition and transformation. Insecurity, inequality and intolerance are spreading. Global and national institutions are being put to the test,” Mr. Ban said. “With so much at stake, the United Nations must keep pace across the spectrum of its activities – peace, development, human rights, the rule of law, the empowerment of the world's women and youth.”
We are living through a period of profound turmoil, transition and transformation. Insecurity, inequality and intolerance are spreading. Global and national institutions are being put to the test. “On this UN Day, let us reaffirm our individual commitment and our collective resolve to live up to the ideals of the United Nations Charter and build a better world for all,” he added in his message for the Day. (...)

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