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The Road to Peace: A Teaching Guide

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The Road to Peace: A Teaching Guide


The Advocates for Human Rights present their newest curriculum, The Road to Peace: A Teaching Guide on Local and Global Transitional Justice, a powerful tool for introducing audiences to the concepts of conflict resolution and peace-building. According to Jerome Verdier, Chairman of the Liberian Truth and Reconciliation Commission, this teaching guide serves an important role in promoting peace: “It is essential to sustaining global peace and justice that our children are taught the consequences of violent conflicts, the values of tolerance and securing a future free of violence.”
The teaching guide addresses conflict resolution and restoration of justice in the aftermath of war, emphasizing the processes that countries coming out of conflict undertake to seek resolution, address past human rights abuses, reform their societies, and heal from violence. It challenges students to apply these methodologies to transform conflict in their own lives and stop the cycle of violence.

The Road to Peace provides educators with ten creative, thought-provoking and innovative lessons plans that help students explore these topics. Here are a few examples of what can be found inside the teaching guide:

Lessons on the root causes of war and conflict
- An overview of human rights and different transitional justice mechanisms
- Mock war crimes tribunal and mock truth commission role plays
- In-depth country case studies
- Individual case studies on human rights abuses
- Investigative tools to study the need for transitional justice in the U.S.
- Skill-building resources on how to apply reconciliation on a local level
- Conflict resolution and peer mediation exercises
- A transitional justice glossary
- Resources for further study and action on peace and justice

We hope this teaching guide will inspire and empower students to promote peace and justice in their own communities and around the world.

Appropriate for 9th grade through adult learners.

The teaching guide:



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