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Home Diritti Umani Inauguration of the European Wergeland Centre

Inauguration of the European Wergeland Centre

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Inauguration of the European Wergeland Centre


The Centre is a European resource centre on education for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship. It is a co-operation between Norway and the Council of Europe, located in Oslo. It builds on and will promote the work performed by the Council of Europe and Norway in these areas.
The Centre is open to all member states of the Council of Europe, and the main target groups are teachers, teacher trainers, decision makers and multipliers within education for intercultural understanding, human rights and democratic citizenship.
By providing in-service training, carrying out and supporting research, creating networks, serving as a platform and disseminating information and good practices on the field, the Centre aims at becoming a leading professional body of its kind. The working language of the Centre is English.
The European Wergeland Centre is organized as an independent legal entity according to Norwegian law. The core program is financed by a yearly sum from the Government of Norway. The Centre may also receive contributions from other member states, institutions, organizations or donors who wish to cooperate with the Centre and contribute to its work.

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