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Reopening of the Paintings Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

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Vienna will be on display again as of September 23, 2010 to be admired in a wonderful new setting: Hieronymus Bosch's The Last Judgment, the works by Cranach the Elder, Titian, and Rubens, of Rembrandt and his contemporaries of the Golden Age of Dutch Painting, of Luca Giordano, Tiepolo and the Viennese Neoclassicist painters around 1800.
After almost three years of conversion measures, the exhibition rooms have been equipped with state-of-the-art climate control and security systems. An elevator will take visitors now directly to the entrance of the museum where they will find a new generous foyer with a shop and a cloakroom. The redesign of the Gallery rooms emphasizes the impressively spacious structure of Theophil Hansen's historicist architectural concept. The new arrangement of the paintings presented at the opening will focus on the collection's highlights.
The Academy and the Paintings Gallery have a long common history: the Gallery's initial holdings - works of the Academy's members and students - are dating from the 18th century. But the Paintings Gallery as such was only established in 1822, when the imperial diplomat Count Lamberg-Sprinzenstein donated his internationally-renowned collection to the Academy. It was to be opened to the general public, thus becoming Viennas's first art museum. Still in our days the Gallery constitutes part of the organisational structure of the Academy and is inseparably linked to its profile: concurrently to the reopening of the Paintings Gallery there will be inaugurated next door xhibit, the Academy's new space for contemporary art.

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