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New guides on good Agroforestry nursery practices

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New guides on good Agroforestry nursery practices 

A new guide on good nursery practices has been published by the World Agroforestry Centre. 
The full text of the guide along with those of other related ones is available at the links given below.   
Other publications done by the centre are available at            
1. Mbora, A.; Lillesø, J-P. B.; Jamnadas, R. 2008. 
Good nursery practices: a simple guide. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre, 36p. 
In this guide, all nursery practices are explained in simple way with elaborate illustrations to make it 
easy for farmers to understand and use effectively. The book also covers vegetative propagation and 
field planting-out which are not covered in other nursery management books. 
Farmers will thus increase seedlings production and improve the quality of seedlings and the tree end products.   
2.Moir, K.; Vandenbosch, T.; Scull-Carvalho, S. 2007. 
Growing trees and gardens for life: practical tips for healthy tree nurseries and home gardens.
Nairobi, Kenya: Jacaranda Designs Ltd, 88p.   
3.Kindt, R.; Lillesø, J-P.B.; Mbora, A.; Muriuki, J.; Wambugu, C.; Frost, W.; Beniest, J.; Aithal, A.; Awimbo, J.; 
Rao, S.; Holding-Anyonge, C.  2006. 
Tree seeds for farmers: a toolkit and reference source.Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre, 254p    
4.Basweti C., Lengkeek A., P rytz P. and Jaenicke H.. 2001. 
Tree Nursery Trade in Urban and Peri-urban Areas: A survey in Nairobi and Kiambu Districts, Kenya. 
RELMA Working paper No 13. Regional Land Management Unit (RELMA) Sida: Nairobi, Kenya   
5.Kevyn E. Wightman. 1999. 
Good Tree Nursery Practices: Practical Guidelines for Community Nurseries. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre, 95p.   
6.Ruvuga S., Otsyina R, Bohringer A., Phalen A. 2002. Establishing and Managing your Own Tree Nursery. 
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