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Home Salute "Great Smog" - 60 years on, cities still struggle with smog

"Great Smog" - 60 years on, cities still struggle with smog

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In big cities around the world, from China to Afghanistan, authorities are still fighting the battle against smog. This, despite the fact that 60 years ago, Londoners suffered from a dramatic air pollution event. These days air pollution in the British capital, London, is less visible than it was in decades past. But, with the high car and truck volume heading along busy inner city streets like Euston Road, experts are still believe that, even if the problem is becoming less visible, it is still causing major problems.
Recently, smog levels in China were linked to the reduced weights of newborn babies in the country. In London, more than 4,000 people still die every year from illnesses linked to air pollution, said a recent House of Commons report.
"There is some evidence that exposure to pollution alone, even if you are a non-smoker, will eventually give rise to lung disease,' says Vice-President of The British Lung Foundation, Keith Prowse. Prowse says the invisible pollutants contribute to some 9 per cent of all deaths in the British capital and that air pollution costs the Britain's National Health Service substantial amounts of money each year.
'Near busy roads air pollution is twice sometimes three times legal limits or World Health Organisation guidelines in places,' claims Simon Birkett from the Campaign Group Clean Air London. (...)

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