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Chevron fights massive lawsuit in Ecuador

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Chevron fights massive lawsuit in Ecuador

(…) San Carlos sits in the middle of more than 100 wells drilled in the Sacha field by Texaco, which pumped oil as the sole operator of a consortium here from 1972 until 1990. At the time, it was one of the highest concentrations of wells in the Amazonian region, and today this remote town finds itself in the middle of what could be the largest damage claim against the oil industry in its history.


The landmark lawsuit, which began in 1993 in New York and is now in an Ecuadorean court in this jungle region, alleges that Texaco, which was acquired by Chevron in 2001, knowingly unleashed toxins across an estimated 1,700 square miles – roughly the size of Rhode Island.

This allegedly occurred in one of the most biodiverse forests on the planet. Plaintiffs’ lawyers say Texaco’s dumping represents 30 times more than the crude spilled in the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaska. According to a report by a court-appointed expert, Chevron could face $27 billion in damages to soil, groundwater, and drinking water – and even for cancer-related deaths. The decision is expected any day.

Chevron says Texaco cleaned up its share of damage after leaving the country and that the state oil company, which took over its operations entirely in 1992, has not fulfilled its environmental obligations. If Chevron loses the case, it will affect more than its finances: It could reverberate throughout the industry at a time when companies big and small are searching for oil in ever more remote areas, including the Amazon basin.(...)

The article:

Chevron website:

Basic information:

Texaco in Ecuador:

The petition:

ChevronToxico, le site internet lancé par Amazon Watch pour sa campagne Nettoyez l'Equateur, comprend une vidéo (en anglais) dans laquelle des Equatoriens touchés par la population appellent le PDG de Chevron à mettre fin à la pollution dans la région:

Radio Canada, "La pétrolière Chevron face à la justice ",

France 24, Reportage sur les manoeuvres judiciaires et le lobby de Chevron:
Photos et témoignages:, "Les actionnaires de Chevron veulent savoir ":

Site officiel du documentaire "CRUDE. The Real Price of Oil"", réalisé par Joe Berlinger et qui retrace la bataille historique menée contre le géant Chevron pour le mettre face à ses responsabilités en Equateur:



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