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Home Ambiente Korea - CSOs establish a Civil Society Network to Combat Desertification

Korea - CSOs establish a Civil Society Network to Combat Desertification

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As a result of joint efforts of more than 50 civil society organizations from the Republic of Korea, a Civil Society Network to Combat Desertification has been created to strengthen the combat against desertification and to support the organization of the forthcoming tenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
The network was launched at a ceremony that took place in Changwon, Gyeongnam Province, in the south of the country under the auspices of the Korea Forest Services and the Government of the Gyeongnam province. The Network’s fields of experience range from combating desertification and managing water resources to the promotion of environmental education and poverty alleviation. In this regard, the main objectives of the Network are to address adequately the problem of desertification in the country among the interested stakeholders, to make a contribution to the success of the UNCCD COP10 and to raise public awareness on desertification, land degradation and drought. (...)

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