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Home Ambiente Cote D'Ivoire - Toxic Waste Victims Wait Years for Compensation

Cote D'Ivoire - Toxic Waste Victims Wait Years for Compensation

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Thousands of victims affected by toxic waste dumping in 2006 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire's commercial capital, still have not received the economic compensation they were promised.
"There is a complete lack of transparency as to what happened to the millions of dollars which should have been paid out by the government compensation scheme," Benedetta Lacey, special advisor on corporate accountability at Amnesty International, told IPS.
According to a United Nations report published in 2009, toxic waste from a tanker chartered by the international commodities trading firm Trafigura Beheer BV affected more than 100,000 people, who sought medical attention for a range of health problems. The incident has been linked to the deaths of 15 people.
Since 2007, Trafigura has paid 260 million dollars in several payouts, but much of the money remains unaccounted for and thousands of victims still have not received any economic compensation that would, if paid, be equal in some cases to a year's worth of wages. (...)

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