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Adapting to climate change impacts in South Asia


The South Asian region which includes Bhutan, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri-Lanka and Maldives is home to over one and one-half billion human population,

one fifth of the global population. With a high annual population growth rate of about 1.8%, human population in this region is expected to reach over 2 billion in next 30-40 years. While there is a massive pressure on natural resources due to this increase in human population and related landuse changes, widespread climate change impacts, where poverty and malnutrition is widespread, is of major concern.
Highly diverse eco-regions, for example, the coral reef islands of Maldives to the alpine region of the Himalaya that hosts the highest peak in the world, Mount Everest in Nepal, and the Thar Desert in the western India and Pakistan, present countless ecological niches and species richness in this region. This region also hosts one of the most fertile lands in the world, the Indo-Gangetic Plains, and the well-known scenic Himalayan landscapes. Similarly, over 12,000 km of coastline covering five coastal countries in South Asian region: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri-Lanka and Maldives, present incredibly rich biodiversity. (...)

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