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UNEP Releases Policy Brief on Global Green New Deal in Advance of G20

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UNEP Releases Policy Brief on Global Green New Deal in Advance of G20

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) has released “Global Green New Deal: Policy Brief,” which aims to inform the debate at the upcoming G20 meeting to be held in London, UK, in early April 2009.

Based on the findings of the UNEP-commissioned report “A Global Green New Deal,” the policy brief calls for the investment of 1% of global GDP in the energy efficiency of buildings, renewable energy, sustainable transport, ecological infrastructure and sustainable agriculture. According to the report, investing about US$750 billion of stimulus monies in the green economy could aid recovery from the economic downturn, create jobs, address poverty, promote achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, and fight climate change.


A summary:

The paper:

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