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Report 2009: "China's green revolution”

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Report 2009: "China's green revolution”

Over the next two decades, China has the potential to build a "green economy," says a new report by global management consultants McKinsey & Company. According to the report, "China's green revolution: Prioritizing technologies to achieve energy and environmental sustainability," by investing in technologies that are commercially available but not yet widely understood or deployed today, China could substantially boost its energy independence by reducing its need for imported oil to power its rapidly growing fleet of automobiles, and by dramatically cutting the amount of coal it burns to fuel its power plants.

Higher energy efficiency and lower consumption of fossil fuels will help to substantially reduce the level of greenhouse gases that China emits into the atmosphere, while cutting down on water and air pollution. China also has the chance to become a global leader in rapidly emerging green technologies such as electric vehicles—if it invests early and provides policy support and private sector initiatives to develop the industry.

The Chinese government and the corporate sector have in recent years initiated a number of policies and measures aimed at boosting energy efficiency and reducing its reliance on fossil fuels. McKinsey research shows that China has consistently improved the "carbon efficiency" of its economy over the past 15 years. Through a combination of government policies and industry-wide initiatives, China has reduced the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that it produces for every unit of GDP by 4.9 percent each year on average over the past 15 years, compared with just 1.7 in the United States and 2.7 percent in Germany.(...)

For information:

The Executive Summary:

The Full Report:



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