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Word to the 'wise': Protect the environment

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Word to the 'wise': Protect the environment

Students at Judd Elementary School in North Brunswick are wising up to the idea of protecting the environment. The students involved with the third-, fourth- and fifth-grade afterschool Gifted & Talented program Project Wise have been handling various projects the past few months.

Ten third-grade students have been packaging breakfasts for designated students in reusable coolers instead of in paper or plastic bags. For the past few weeks, the students have come in an hour before school begins, at 7:45 a.m., to delineate breakfast foods such as bagels, prepackaged pancakes, cereal, breakfast bars, toaster pastries, animal crackers, muffins, fruit and milk along with straws, utensils and napkins to deliver to 10 classrooms.

Then, during their recess time, they collect the coolers and keep whatever foods and items were not used that can be used again.

"Our objective was to reduce waste and to be environmentally more conscious. By doing so, we are eliminating using bags," said adviser Eileen Glincman. "My objective, personally, was to teach kids responsibility." (...)

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