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Parole chiave di ricerca indigenous rights

Totale: 49 risultati trovati.

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... * * Scientists unlock indigenous secret to sustainable agriculture in the Amazon's savannas: * * * Interview - Brazil is a Model for the Rights ...
Martedì 06 Dicembre 2011
... Indigenous Knowledge, Western Science and Climate Change.” Dressed in traditional garb from the Andes, Aguilar gave the event’s opening prayer at the (now LEED-certified) National Museum of the American ...
Martedì 11 Ottobre 2011
...  * * * OHCHR - Realizing indigenous peoples’ rights in Paraguay: * * * Human Rights in Paraguay: ...
Lunedì 26 Settembre 2011
... Indigenous Representatives at the Fourth Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Il sito dello Special Rapporteur on the rights ...
Mercoledì 21 Settembre 2011
DIRITTI UMANI Even though indigenous peoples are known for their rich cultures, knowledge and identities, they continue to be among the most marginalized groups in society, with no or limited ...
Martedì 24 Maggio 2011
Although indigenous peoples’ rights are recognised in a number of international declarations, the implementation of those rights is difficult to achieve, according to panellists at an event opening this ...
Lunedì 16 Maggio 2011
... as indigenous communities, environmentalist groups, and celebrities like Sting and director James Cameron have opposed the project. The dam could flood an estimated 195 square miles of the Amazonian rainforest ...
Mercoledì 04 Maggio 2011
Mining companies must engage constructively with indigenous communities, said ICMM's Aidan Davy at the second annual Mining, People and the Environment conference held in Toronto. He highlighted the importance ...
Martedì 22 Marzo 2011
Indigenous peoples comprise one-third of the world's one billion extreme poor in rural areas. They are among the most vulnerable and marginalized of any group. Spread over 70 countries and representing ...
Giovedì 24 Febbraio 2011
... Indigenous Peoples and Mining:  ...
Giovedì 17 Febbraio 2011
...  ...
Giovedì 20 Gennaio 2011
... Alcuni scatti: Il volume fotografico: ...
Domenica 16 Gennaio 2011
Today, the United States government at last officially endorsed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and joined the international community in recognizing that American Indians and other ...
Giovedì 16 Dicembre 2010
DIRITTI UMANI Amnesty International has urged the Paraguayan authorities to return land to an under-threat indigenous group, after a court condemned the government's treatment of the marginalised ...
Giovedì 30 Settembre 2010
... Expert on the Sudan on the human rights situation in that country. On 20 September, the Council will focus its attention on issues related to indigenous peoples. It will hold an interactive dialogue with ...
Mercoledì 15 Settembre 2010
36. Fra biopirateria e traffici
... African Heritage»: Informazioni di base: ...
Martedì 14 Settembre 2010
Conservation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. In recent years, awareness has grown of the relationship of international conservation practice to indigenous peoples and local communities, and especially the ...
Lunedì 07 Giugno 2010
Conservation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. In recent years, awareness has grown of the relationship of international conservation practice to indigenous peoples and local communities, and especially the ...
Lunedì 07 Giugno 2010
Conservation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. In recent years, awareness has grown of the relationship of international conservation practice to indigenous peoples and local communities, and especially the ...
Lunedì 07 Giugno 2010
DIRITTI UMANI The annual United Nations forum on indigenous issues opened today with a call from Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for Member States to promote development while respecting the ...
Martedì 20 Aprile 2010
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