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Parole chiave di ricerca gender

Totale: 50 risultati trovati.

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... child marriage exacerbates South Sudan’s pronounced gender gaps in school enrollment, contributes to soaring maternal mortality rates, and violates the right of girls to be free from violence, and to marry ...
Venerdì 08 Marzo 2013
22. International Women's Day 2013
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
... on the Status of Women, International Women’s Day 2013 presents an important opportunity for the ILO to host a world-of-work discussion on how to stop violence at work. (...) The article: ...
Giovedì 07 Marzo 2013
Olivier de Schutter, U.N. Special Rapporteur, presented “Gender and the Right to Food” to the U.N. Human Rights Council today. Women need to be empowered in agriculture - hunger could be reduced by up ...
Martedì 05 Marzo 2013
... “Closing the gender gap” . Secondo i dati contenuti nel rapporto, che denuncia il divario tra uomini e donne nei 34 Paesi aderenti all’organizzazione, l’economia italiana è penalizzata dalla scarsa partecipazione ...
Martedì 18 Dicembre 2012
... and girls, it is expected that the Convention’s entering into force will have a tremendous impact on gender equality. (...) The article: Passato...prossimo: ...
Giovedì 04 Ottobre 2012
...  * * * UNDP launches "Powerful synergies: gender equality, economic development and environmental sustainability": The publication: ...
Lunedì 01 Ottobre 2012
...  * * * On the role of gender equality in securing the right to food: ...
Venerdì 28 Settembre 2012
... of violence due to complex intersectional forms of discrimination as well as gender based assumptions and expectations. It also found that women with disabilities are also more exposed to forms of violence ...
Giovedì 12 Luglio 2012
...  More about: ...
Giovedì 14 Giugno 2012
...  * * * Women empowerment and gender equality – How Rio+20 can move the agenda forward: * * * Discrimination against women persists ...
Lunedì 04 Giugno 2012
... They include the negative attitudes that can lead to rejection and to direct or indirect discrimination towards gay men, lesbians, bisexual, transsexual or transgendered people, or toward anyone whose ...
Giovedì 17 Maggio 2012
... launched the World Atlas of Gender Equality in Education. Featuring over 120 maps, charts and tables on a wide range of sex-disaggregated indicators, the Atlas draws attention to continuing gender disparities, ...
Sabato 24 Marzo 2012
... discriminatory practices in connection with sexual orientation and gender identity; and the rights of various groups in society, such as children; persons with disabilities; minorities, and people living ...
Sabato 03 Marzo 2012
... national activities supporting the efforts of the international community to eradicate poverty, promote full employment and decent work, achieve gender equity and provide access to social well-being ...
Lunedì 20 Febbraio 2012
35. Infanticidi di genere - Donne mai nate
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
...  Informazione di base: Passato...prossimo: ...
Martedì 07 Febbraio 2012
... of gender violence, and has been observed in Latin America since the 1980s. Violence against women and girls is a problem of pandemic proportions. According to UNIFEM, at least one in three women in the ...
Giovedì 24 Novembre 2011
...  Il sito: Informazione di base:  ...
Mercoledì 23 Novembre 2011
38. UNESCO - 2011 Global Education Digest
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
... the greatest barriers as the gender gap widens across the region, according to the 2011 Global Education Digest published by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics. (..) The article: ...
Mercoledì 26 Ottobre 2011
...  * * * UNESCO Forum on Gender Equality in education:  ...
Giovedì 29 Settembre 2011
... * * * The Three Rio Conventions - A gender perspective: ...
Mercoledì 21 Settembre 2011
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