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Parole chiave di ricerca indigenous rights

Totale: 49 risultati trovati.

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The world’s 370 million indigenous peoples suffer from disproportionately, often exponentially, higher rates of poverty, health problems, crime and human rights abuses, the first ever United Nations study ...
Venerdì 15 Gennaio 2010
... standards such as the principle of free prior and informed consent (FPIC), outlined in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. FPIC is aimed at giving indigenous people a formal role in ...
Mercoledì 26 Agosto 2009
UNDP Assists Indigenous People in Documenting the Impact of Climate Change   The UN Development Programme (UNDP), under its Global Human Rights Strengthening Programme, is training the Baka ...
Sabato 30 Maggio 2009
44. Amnesty International’s 2009 Report
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
... and the use of food as a political weapon; forced evictions; abuse of rights of indigenous peoples. Yet human rights problems have been relegated to the backseat as political and business leaders grapple ...
Venerdì 29 Maggio 2009
United Nations Forum to seek further implementation of Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will meet in at UN Headquarters in ...
Venerdì 15 Maggio 2009
UNPFII to Consider Climate Change Policies and Projects’ Adherence to the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples’ Standards During its eighth session, scheduled to convene from ...
Mercoledì 06 Maggio 2009
... (UNESCO) in partnership with the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Secretariat of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) and the Office of the High Commissioner ...
Mercoledì 29 Aprile 2009
Brazil's top court backs indigenous rights Indigenous groups from the Amazon have won a major victory after Brazil's Supreme Court upheld the integrity of a vast native reserve, paving the way ...
Venerdì 20 Marzo 2009
... Il sito della FAO:   Le conclusioni della Riunione ...
Mercoledì 18 Marzo 2009
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