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Parole chiave di ricerca indigenous rights

Totale: 49 risultati trovati.

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Martedì 08 Marzo 2016
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Mercoledì 02 Marzo 2016
AGRICOLTURA Indigenous peoples can play a critical role in the fight against hunger, according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (Fao). Given their invaluable traditional ...
Lunedì 21 Dicembre 2015
4. Schiavismo e miniere nel XXI secolo
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
...  New guide on Indigenous Peoples and mining: ...
Venerdì 30 Ottobre 2015
...  Informazione di base: ...
Domenica 20 Settembre 2015
DIRITTI UMANI The 14th session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (PFII) discussed follow-up to the September 2014 World Conference on Indigenous Peoples (WCIP) , and highlighted ...
Martedì 05 Maggio 2015
...  Indigenous Peoples’ Rights and Business in Myanmar: Passato... presente: ...
Venerdì 06 Febbraio 2015
8. Ecuador - Police Rampage at Protests
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
(...) Tens of thousands of people – workers, students, indigenous leaders, and activists – participated in demonstrations throughout Ecuador over issues including a proposal to reform labor legislation, ...
Mercoledì 22 Ottobre 2014
... ...
Martedì 14 Ottobre 2014
... * * * Informazione di base: ...
Giovedì 19 Giugno 2014
AMBIENTE Global trends towards a strengthening of legal rights over land for local and indigenous communities appear to have slowed significantly in recent years, leading some analysts ...
Giovedì 06 Febbraio 2014
12. Uganda - Rights at Risk
(Notizie/Diritti Umani)
... found that companies have explored for minerals and actively mined on lands owned and occupied by Karamoja’s indigenous people. (...) The article: ...
Giovedì 06 Febbraio 2014
The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous People, James Anaya, was invited to speak at the opening of the World Intellectual Property Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic ...
Martedì 05 Febbraio 2013
DIRITTI UMANI For nearly a month now, an Indigenous leader has been camped out in a traditional tepee near the Canadian Parliament buildings in Ottawa, where she is engaged in a hunger ...
Lunedì 07 Gennaio 2013
The numerous socio-economic challenges faced by indigenous peoples in these regions and the challenges in the implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (...) The article: ...
Sabato 27 Ottobre 2012
The United States must adopt new measures to advance a reconciliation process with its indigenous peoples and address historical wrongs that have stopped them from fully realizing their rights, a United ...
Mercoledì 12 Settembre 2012
DIRITTI UMANI Approximately 2,000 representatives of indigenous peoples’ organizations and groups have arrived in New York to attend the session, which continues through the 18th of May. ...
Venerdì 11 Maggio 2012
...  Per approfondire: * * * International Expert Group Meeting on Combating Violence against Indigenous Women and Girls: ...
Giovedì 22 Marzo 2012
(...) In Cambodia, some 200,000 mostly Indigenous Kuy villagers are desperately trying to prevent the destruction of Prey Lang (“Our Forest), the last large primary forest of its kind on the Indochina ...
Mercoledì 15 Febbraio 2012
An independent United Nations expert on indigenous rights called today on the Government of Panama and the country’s indigenous groups to establish a dialogue process to stop the recent tensions and violence ...
Mercoledì 08 Febbraio 2012
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